

Schacht Wolf floor looms

The Schacht Wolf Looms have been designed to offer the full capability of a regular floor loom, but they fold small and can be tucked behind a cupboard or a sofa. When in use, they are less high than traditional looms and thus do not disturb the view. This makes them ideal for small spaces or for weaving in the living-room without trading in any of the advantages offered by a floor loom.

The looms are produced in the USA from wood sustainably raised in forests in northerns Michigan and Canada. The oil used for finishing the wood is hand-rubbed, not sprayed, and is free from ozone-damaging drying agents. Wood rests are recycled by local woodturners, and sawdust is partly sold to horse farms and partly to composting programmes.

All these looms and accessories can be ordered. If you are interested in one or more items, please contact us for information or requesting a quota.

Some of the looms can be tested during a workshop. See Workshops for more information.